When I say that This project was difficult to put together, I mean it with my whole heart. I really liked how this video turned out at the end with the music and everything else. When I was looking for music I used the website https://freesound.org/browse/. I did have to play with it to make it fit with how long it needed to be. I also used that same website to find the audio of the typing and the heartbeat. I am really thankful that I was able to find those audio’s there and would recommend using that site.
I would like to take the time to thank my mom for letting me use some of her pictures to make this come to how it is now. It really means a lot that I was able to use these to really bring the emotion to the video using pictures. Thank you for all the help with finding the pictures you really mean a lot to me. <3
This class has been really fun and I have really enjoyed learning in this class. Thank you so much for making this the best first term here in person.
again thank you.
~Alyssah Trautman