P5 – Noah

For this project, I decided to do another song, as well as a visualizer for said song. I think that it turned out pretty well considering the quick turnaround. 

I incorporated the concept of 5 in two ways. For starters the most obvious example is the first line in the hook, being “I’ll be there in five”. But in a more subtle way, I applied it to the rhythm/flow of the hook as well. I use a 5 – 11 – 4,5 – 4,5 rhythm in the hook. Overall, the content of the song is about being in a toxic relationship, but in the end alway being a call away from one another. 

For the video, I used a mix of older videos that I had as well as ones that I had recorded in the week leading up to the due date. Visually I aimed to create a sense of motion harping back to the sense of “being on my way”, as well as creating an aesthetic using lower quality and grainy footage which adds a nice texture to the video. I used clips of looking out of a car window, train window, etc. to achieve this. During the bridge section of the song, I added clips of looking out of a house widow showing the “other side”/waiting. Additionally, I used some vfx to make the text that appears throughout more interesting.

I hope you enjoy!