Howdy, my name is Max Ryan. I am a second year student at Lane, currently pursuing an associates degree in multimedia design (animation option), and hoping to continue my education past LCC post graduation and to find a good art institute to polish off my education. I was born and raised in Eugene Oregon with my 4 brothers, of which 3 have already gone to/through lane ahead of me.
I am a freelance artist, illustrator hoping to finish creating my own webcomic in the near future. I do commissions, and have been practicing art seriously for close to 7 years at this point, drawing nearly everyday albeit pen/paper, or digital. I aspire to work for a large animation/comic company, or to even start my own; A simple goal to do what I want and get paid for it, I want to have my own cartoon or comic read/watched by millions of people. The things I enjoy drawing the most are character pieces, and I love character designing, however I have discovered that I have a knack for logo design and pop art through commissions I have done.
(some examples of my digital commissions)