My name is Kaitlyn Harper (no nicknames, thank you very much) and I am currently enrolled in the Multimedia Design (Animation Track) program at Lane Community College. I’m a lifelong Eugene resident who has visited more European countries than American states, but that’s easy to say, considering that I’ve barely traveled. This year marks my second attempt at college; last year I was an anthropology student at OSU who decided that maybe spending thousands of dollars on a four-year degree wasn’t quite worth it.
Upon completion of my degree, I plan to join the video game industry, likely as some form of animated asset creator. My goal is to work my way over into story development. Telling stories is integral to my life. I’m originally a writer, not an artist, but I’m hoping to strengthen my skills so that I can visualize my ideas in a tangible format and present them to other people. Presenting any of my current ideas involves an hour of rambling at minimum, plus any side tangents that I get distracted on, like the differences between Faenlen and Faenhyr or the intricacies of hairstyles present in the as-yet-unnamed dynastic Vyrliat that existed a few hundred years before the story that I was originally trying to plot.
In my free time, I volunteer with both the Hult Center and the Oregon State University Marching Band. I absolutely love the world of performing arts and pageantry arts. As a consequence, I’ll support the Beavers over the Ducks any day! My photo comes from the first gameday of this season, hence the orange and black.
As a parting note, I just wanted to mention that the headscarf I wear is not a hijab. I recognize that it looks similar at times, but it is not, and I wear it for hair loss reasons. I look a bit like an egg without it. I don’t want to look like an egg.