P6 Final Project

In this assignment I was trying my best to capture my experience exploring a new state, that state being oregon. Being from hawai’i moving to Oregon was probably the biggest change ever in my entire life so I decided to capture some of the places I started to grow fond of during my time here. From the Autzen stadium to a random neighborhood park I found myself enjoying the company of certain areas so I wanted to try and capture these places to the best of my ability and show what I am aware of when I am at these places. The more I watch my video the more I realize how much I have grown and explored Oregon since being here. My experience with this assignment has not been a smooth process. Just like figuring out anything else it took me a while to get a hang of adobe and I still don’t have even half of all the apps abilities figured out, but I learned what I could and did a video with my skill set. I found getting the clips for this video a very fun process considering I was always in a new spot every 10 seconds or so. Me and my friend who is also from Hawai’i did our best to try big food names, such as in-n-out, that are not in hawai’i just to see how good they really are. In my opinion, it is. I really found myself appreciating the fact that I was doing a school assignment yet still having fun and most importantly still learning how to work adobe when all the clips are in. I think my project does show what I was trying to accomplish and I did enjoy the process of recording clips and using an editing app to put them together.