This project was very challenging for me. Since I always drastically underestimate the amount of work that actually needs to be done, I was faced with a time crunch that was made much worse by me not sucking it up and rescheduling my shift. So, when faced with a massive time crunch and not realizing that we needed to get our prompts approved by the teacher beforehand, I went for what I could. I tried to make up for not checking in by fully admitting that I did procrastinate. And I went with it. Stuck with my creative block, I was wasting a lot of precious time trying to decide what to make my project about. Sarcastically, I joked to my friend that I should do it on procrastination. We joked about it for a minute until I realized just how rich my idea could be. It’s funny because it’s relatable, we’ve all been there, when life gets in the way or in my case, I get in my own way. However, I do find that I do my best work when I am under pressure, it gives me a stronger sense of urgency and makes my working more efficient and better quality. I specifically chose the background song because it built the suspense I am currently feeling as the deadline is looming ahead, and it builds that tension that I feel while listening to me describe it. (Credit to the fantastic Kayley Cook for allowing me to use her song “Free Thinkxng” for my background audio!)
It’s poetic how you take one of your mistakes and pull an Uno Reverse card and use it to your advantage. I recall doing something similar back in Middle School. It was far less grand… merely a misunderstanding of essay instructions, consequently writing about the wrong topic. After noticing my mistake, with only an hour left, I was thankfully able to correct the context of my essay by altering only a few words.
Heh. I felt proud, but I knew opportunities like this don’t appear often, so I didn’t entertain the hubris.
By all means, I still procrastinate though!
Hannah I thought this was indeed relatable and funny. For some reason I didn’t expect this sort of meta-humor, but I’m glad you did it because I think you pulled it off well. I know you had a time crunch to turn the assignment in, but this would still be great content if you had added sound effects and a little more editing. Nonetheless, impressive work and a fun listen.