Would You Rather

With this project, I was trying to create a short segment for a radio show or a longer length podcast. Since it’s my intention to pursue a career in audio production, more specifically in podcasting or broadcasting, I decided to give my hand at something related to the field that I thought would be fun. The backing track is a remix by a close friend of mine who graciously allowed me to put some music to the segment. I know it’s not the type of music that would normally accompany a radio segment like this one, but I wanted to add something different to the mix. I think it is a nice consistent beat that helps hold the attention of the listeners because it’s not the usual hokey elevator music paired with goofy sound effects. These radio segments are usually a lot more full of characters and noises, but my goal is to give a break to the listeners while they are in the middle of a long listen instead of getting people to jump or real back laughing. This is meant to be fun, yes, but I don’t expect anyone to reel back in their chairs laughing for the entire segment. I feel confident that I achieved my goal, but recognize that I need more practice before I can actually start my own show of any kind. I aspire to be as good as people like Ira Glass and the numerous talents you hear on the radio, but for now, I have to get better at the technical parts of this craft before I find my voice.

SoundCloud for the artist who remixed the song in the backing track: https://soundcloud.com/micah-green-2

by: Cole Brown