My name is Keyan Carlile! I’m a freelance editor and animator! I’m joining this class because I’m currently pursuing a Degree in Multi-Media Design. I currently spend my time animating full-length TV episodes as part of a fan project. Here are two episodes that I animated between August 1st and December 15th
If you watch them, just know that
– the first 30 seconds of each episode is a pre-existing theme song that I only partially edited
– The footage from 8:47 – 9:22 in the first link is stock footage I pulled from a pre-existing series.
– Several backgrounds are screenshots and not created by me, mainly in the first link.
However, the rest of the animation is done by me. (With some stylistic help from a friend of mine in Florida)
When I have graduated from the Media Arts program, I want to formally enter the entertainment industry. Seeing as the United States appears to be in a democratic backslide and is in the process of becoming a failed state, my plans may have to change as I look for thriving industries in other countries. Does New Zealand have an animation industry? Oh god, we’re all gonna die due to climate change anyway. I’m not having kids. They wouldn’t deserve to inherit all this.
By: Keyan Carlile