Final Project(Rednecks and Cereal: Episode I: The Nuclear Problem)

My project was very fun and exciting to make. Despite there being countless distractions for the actors considering the actors either had children or were children. Most of my time was spent setting the scenes and getting the best lighting possible. The place that I was filming had terrible lighting for shooting, which is expected most houses aren’t built for videography. The process was difficult and I wish that the actors and actresses were more flexible and less busy with their lives. I noticed many mistakes that could’ve been fixed if I had more resources and more freedom with the actors and actresses. 

My biggest obstacle was most definitely time, time got in the way of good lighting, actors and actresses responsibilities, and my time with editing considering how many projects I have to do. When I was doing scenes it was hard because it is hard to explain what I want in some scenes, so I ended up acting out the scene in front of my cast multiple times to almost each scene right. I had to record my actors with a separate audio device to get quality audio. Overall it was a challenging experience and that is what made it fun. I had a fun time making jokes, and messing around in between scenes to counteract me ordering them around each scene. 

If I was to do this kind of project again, I would most definitely worry way more about lighting and try to get something less complicated to fit into three minutes of recording.  I would also find actors or actresses that were way freer and I would try multiple angles for each scene, maybe even have multiple cameras in each scene if possible. I did enjoy this project, even though it was a little bit stressful.

Sources: The music from the table scene I got from Adobe Stock and I am allowed to use it. I got the emergency broadcast noise from: .