
Welcome to my first blog site on WordPress. My name is Gabriel Olsen-Martinez. I am currently enrolled in the Media Arts Design program at LCC. I was drawn to this program after years of creative ambitions and vision, but a specific lack of skill at any specific medium. I hope to hone my skills and identify artforms that I am excited by and comfortable with. As of now, I am most interested in photography and audio production. At this point, I have been enrolled at LCC for about a year and a half, however, I have been taking classes in the Media Arts Program for a year. I am lucky this term because it will be the first term that I will have the opportunity to attend school full time without the responsibility of keeping up with full time work as well. Hopefully, I will be able to absorb all that the term has to offer. I would love to get involved with film, sound, and photography after I finish here at Lane.

by: Gabriel Martinez

P.S. Enjoy a photo I took while in Digital Photography at Lane.