I know we are all excited for summer. So for this assignment I decided to spark our excitement and do a Oregon Country Fair promotion/ Advertisement. I love going to the fair and enjoying all the food and shopping, along with all the other attractions and entertainment. Although I have never been to the Oregon Country Fair, I wanted to talk about something local. My friends have told me about the fair and how much fun it is. In my Promotion I give a general overview of what the fair has to offer and a small of description of activities the fair provides. This was quite fun to record I felt like a real radio spokeswomen interrupting your music with a fun “commercial”. Which perhaps was the whole point, to be comfortable and project your own voice. Hopefully you enjoy the AD and it gives you some new ideas for the summer.
You have a great voice! it is very clear and pleasant. if you can leave a couple of seconds more for music before your voice goes in it would be great .
This was really well done, I easily imagine hearing this on the radio as it aporoached fair season. I love the country fair and this gave me serious fomo as it won’t be happening this year
I really enjoyed your background song and use of sound effects! Your script flowed really well and overall is a very informative video!
This was very clean and enjoyable to listen. Nice layering of your voice, music and effects. Im very bummed fair has been canceled this year.