The Gender Equity Center!

For my audio assignment, I wanted to make a little commercial about Lane’s Gender Equity Center. I’ve been working at the GEC for a little bit before Covid closed the school. The center is a super fun and open place for anyone to hang out in and my goal for this project was to shine some light on the GEC and the things we do there for those who didn’t know!

I’ve been editing videos and audio for a couple years before this so I had a good understanding of how to accomplish my goal for the project. I used Premiere Pro to edit the audio clips together since I find that software pretty easy and fast to edit with and I actually ended up using Snapchat to record my audio. I know it sounds strange but I can assure you that this way sounded better than the audio from my phone’s camera, since it doesn’t have an audio memo app. I ended up having to record my audio several times to make sure I got a good and “lively” read. I wanted to make sure that it didn’t just sound like I was reading off my computer, but I did end up with that a couple times. I think one of my main struggles was my voice and making sure it was relatively fast and loud, but also making sure that you can understand the words clearly. After a couple takes I was able to find a good audio and uploaded that to Premiere. 

For this project I wanted to have more than one voice, and to make it seem more commercial like I asked one of my fellow colleagues if she could write and record a little bit about her experience at the GEC and what she enjoys. I also asked one of my friends who spends a lot of time at the GEC to give me her review of the place. This helped my audio a lot with the flow and organization of the piece since I wanted it to seem like something you would see on TV. Having some reviews of the place helped me with that. 

Finding a good background song for my video was also a bit challenging since I was unsure of who exactly I was targeting for this. I chose two different songs with two different feels to them but I ended up settling with a more upbeat song. After this I cut some of the breaks in my audio and gave it a more finished feeling. And there you have it ! Ta Da !

2 thoughts on “The Gender Equity Center!

  1. Ruby Jude

    I really like that you chose the gender equity center to do a promo for. I had never heard of it before, and you provided some really good information. Also, kudos for using Snapchat to record your audio, I would have expected it to be gargled because my Snapchats always seem to have unclear audio, but yours was really clear!

  2. Carlos Padilla

    Wow very cool and informative ! Well made and to the point . God job and thanks for the info.

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