Scavenger Hunt

I learned so much while working on this assignment, like the value of taking notes with which to corolate images with the locations; which I did not do.

The Equipment Check Out
Reference Desk

The Art-O-Rama
Theres a metaphor in here somewhere
Engram’s office
Cas’s Office

Perhaps to defuse nervousness, I found myself chatting with folks as I photographed their work spaces, asking them about their careers, what brought them to Lane, etc. There were some great stories (another instance where note taking would have been valuable!).

 Judy’s Office
Teresa’s Office
 Nathan Robert’s Office

Sometimes you photograph someone’s office, even though they are not listed on the Scavanger Hunt list, to humor them, and because they are the new advisor for the Media Arts program. It also make for a remarkable study in contrast with the office next door.

The Student Engagement Center
also, theres popcorn . . .

(down the hall from)
The Media Creation Lab
The Blue Screen
Since I was a wee bairn, I have been captivated and transfixed by the area behind the scenes, even more than by what happens on stage. Thought of a certain way, the Blue Screen is a fuzzy line between the worlds. The Looking Glass between here and there.
The Art-O-Mat

Flags in Building One
“Wearing badges is not enough/ in days like these”

There is something strangely savage, and primal, about having to winnow down to just one image of each place. I went a little off the rails collecting the images, trying to capture some unique aspect of each place. Learned a lot in the process (as much from what didn’t go right as from what did).


I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt; this is my first term at Lane, and it was a great introduction to the campus and the staff.

2 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt

  1. Saul Foster

    I love the fact you found images that represent the areas you are in. You have given color to the project. Thank you!

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