Wow I never thought I’d start a blog! However here I am, I’m usually a private person but I’ll do my best to open up a little, and then maybe more so.
I have tons of passions but they are all creative I love story telling and that power of a story. That’s the biggest thing that has drawn me to Multi-Media program here at lane. I mean what other community college has video game design, or Film Production, Audio Production, and Web design? all under one programs roof? What an awesome place! With all these skills available we can really become you tubers, twitch streamers, work in commercial work and be able to work in any part of the process.
I’ve taken digital photography and time based tools in the MM program. It’s pushed me to grow and shoot more photos, videos and editing! driving me in the direction of being a content creator, one of my personal dreams, and something I think we all strive for in the Muti-Media program here at LCC.
In my personal time I like to play Video Games and watch videos and film (my personal favorite forms of media). I do have a deep love for the outdoors and find most of my inspirations out in the great green yonder! I love the woods and forests of Oregon they’re a special home to me as Oregon has been all my life! Down below I have attached a photo from one of my many photo’s i’ve taken from my many trips around Eugene! Enjoy!

I have a similar passion for all forms of art and it is so nice to study at a college (even if it is a community college) that allows you to explore these different art forms and still work towards a degree!
I am interested in what types of video games and films you like to watch? And as far as exploring the woods and forest’s of Oregon go, which places have been your favorite so far? I might have to check some out once the sunshine comes back.
Oregon has some great places to photograph and film. What are some of the places you have photographed besides the featured Eugene area? Nice Photo!