


I can’t believe we made it to the end of the term! Jumping into this project, I had no clue what I wanted my topic to be about. There were so many options that I could have picked but eventually brought it down to one. Because it was spooky season, at the time I wanted to do something a little creepy. Having the ability to use my GoPro, I decided to video my project as if it were in the view of a security camera. I took this video in the back of my work were it was a little dark and gave off a weird mood. In the process of videoing, I ended up dropping my GoPro and braking the glass lens. This created a cool effect that you can notice on the side of the screen. Other then breaking things, the video took me about three hours to shoot, and five hours to edit. My actor is Corey Mayberry, he is from my work. I really had a good time with it, and i’m satisfied with how it turned out. I used the website http://freemusicarchive.org/ for my music, and https://freesound.org/ for my sound effect. Breaking down my video, I only have four shot positions that i take the video from. Every five seconds the video changes from one camera to the next as if it was rotating through. Each camera is labeled ether, camera1, camera2, camera3, camera4, and they all have the date in the top right corner. The video starts off with just a normal cycle through all four of the cameras with nothing strange going on. As time go’s on things start to get a little weird. Shadows, movement, and all sorts of unnatural things start to occur. I don’t want to say to much, you’ll just have to watch. I loved doing this project, and i’m quite sad it is over. Hope you enjoy.     

Credit List

Shot by- Christopher Ortloff

Actor- Corey Mayberry

Edited by- Christopher Ortloff

Music and sound effects- Freemusicarchive and Freesound.org 

Shot at- Splash at Lively Park


One thought on “F18-Unnatural

  1. Kyle Letsom

    I really loved the creativity in this piece! It was a cool video effect to have it shot from “security cameras” and it added another sense of reality to this creepy video. The beginning is drawn out for quite a long time, but the more I reflect on that, the more I like that you did it–it added more of a suspenseful element to it. Overall, great work! And I’m sorry to hear about your GoPro breaking!

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