My furry friends’ short silent movie is funny in a way. I was trying
to accomplish a short story about 4 cats and a dog with a common interest, milk. I found out animals are hard to take pictures of because they listen worse than a 4year old. Luckily, I got them in a good mood and in a restful state. The 5 animals are all friends of mine with a unique personality each. I had some major setbacks with importing sound and the free trial is more current than what is in the classrooms/labs. Sadly, I ran out of time to recreate the project, so I had to export as is. The featured friends are: Aeowen, Panda, Peaches, King and Moonshine. Moonshine is the matriarch of all the cats at my house and she had her 21st birthday yesterday 11/05/2017. She is a joy to have around and still full of life. These animals are great to work with and talk to. King is a rescue from Greenhill. He always is up for a run weather we take him, or he decides to take himself. This project was a little daunting and I still worry about my grade due to technical difficulty. Overall, I hope you enjoy the film.