I took my nephew Takoda to the store to buy his little brother a toy. I stuck a go pro on him and let him go nuts. he had a really great time with me. The only problem is that he’s a 5 yr cameraman. There are a lot of bad cuts edit wise because as I said, he’s 5. The majority of fun I had was when I was trying to figure out how to put this online and get it all going on WordPress here. Yes this is my first project that I’ve turned in so I really really really really really really enjoy it. to film it all I started recording from the moment we left the house until shortly after William getting his toy. I only ran through the whole thing with Koda once. There were no extra takes so it was sort of a challenge shrinking a 35 min adventure into under 2 mins but it worked out. Koda chose the music. he’s really excited for you guys to see it. William really had a lot of fun doing his part too. all he had to do was wait at home and get a free toy. he had no problems with that at all.