the blog to see

The Chase Jarvis Blog is one of the best business and motivational resources in the field of creativity, whether you are a graphic arts student, a photographer trying to get their work out there, or an entrepreneur truly trying to do something different. I discovered the photographer Mr. Jarvis through YouTube by recommendation from YouTuber, Evan Carmichael. The channel turned out to be a hub for great content, interviews with world-changing creatives, from Arianna Huffington of Huffington Post, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin, to Sir Mix-A-Lot! I chose this blog to present for other students because I think they can benefit from the advice of prolific and impactful creatives to speed up their journeys or answer creative questions they have. I am really underselling Chase Jarvis himself he is a groundbreaking creative person in his own right.
On the top of the page you will see tabs to explore the website – select “projects” – then select the “chase jarvis live” box – scroll down through the list of interviews until you find the series of interviews Chase hosts called “30 days of genius”. I know this lots of work, but trust me, when you see the fantastic work that he’s put into asking questions to his interviewees you will have a leg up I promise. I recommend the interview with award-winning designer and creative director, Sefan Sagmeister and Marie Forleo who is a life coach and host of MarieTV.
The website is produced very well, I really like the small details, such as the screen loading icon being a spinning camera aperture and the simplicity of exploring the website with many links appearing as icons. Its made to match our iPhoney sensibilities.
You’ll also see pictures from Mr. Jarvis’ career, a podcast, blog posts and a link to his company CreativeLive where you can take courses to learn to do things.
-Daniel Martinez, 10.15.2017