This ‘Beautiful Oregon’ blog is the work of Tim Giraudier. A nature photographer who captures many of Oregon’s most beautiful sights through the lens of his camera. I mean it’s not hard to find beautiful places here in Oregon, but his photography brings me so much more pride and joy to be able to call this beautiful state my home. This blog includes 10 plus galleries of our state’s wonders. It’s a very easy site to get around and explore. Although I wish it was more sleek and clean; as I believe the more simple things are, the easier it is to focus on the big picture. Throughout this site Giraudier keeps little journal excerpts paired with images to keep us visually connected. It is a well kept and up to date site. The latest post was the 10th of this month on a almost clear night over the south Willamette National Forest of a very clear and detailed photo of an almost fullish moon. Not only does he provide journal entries, but upcoming events. Featured now on his blog is the Eugene saturday market. I’m assuming he sells his prints there. I’d recommend this site to anyone reading this. We all live in oregon don’t we? Support your local photographers.