Creature Spot Blog

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If there is one thing i enjoy doing it is creating monsters and if you enjoy monsters as much as I do then you will enjoy the blog Creature spot .com. On this blog people from all over post their concepts and ideas for monsters of all shapes and sizes. Monsters from hand drawn and colored with colored pencil to full 3d models and sculpts. These monsters range from cute and lovable  to large and grotesque that are good candidates for a good monster movie. Some of these creepy creatures were used in film and movies  like the 7000 chemicals commercial which was made to send the message of don’t smoke.  It featured nasty human like monsters that are covered in a tar like substance and smoke coming from their backs to represent cigarets .

My opinion on the website itself is very positive it has a easy to navigate layout with a good index and a sidebar to show who has contributed to the website. The website does have a active comments section for people to leave their comments. The creator has a link to his Facebook where you can contact him if you have any questions for him. So I highly  recommend this blog its a very creative and well put together site.Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 10.22.14 AM.png