For my project I decided to do five generations of my family. My cousin recently had a baby so I thought it would be fun to make a video showing the five generations. My plan was to start with my granny who is 97 years old and end the video with the baby who is about 4 weeks old. Everyone started their interview by showing their hand and telling their name, age, and their generation. I began the next part of my video by asking everyone what they liked to do for fun. Then I video taped them doing an activity that interested them. For example, my granny likes to sew, so I recorded a video of her sewing and zoomed in on her hands doing the activity. The hardest part was getting a video of the baby. The baby wasn’t in a good mood, so we had to wait for the baby to calm down before taking the video. Once the baby was calm I was able to get a video of the baby’s hand and even a picture of my granny and the baby. I showed everyones hands in the beginning and end of the video because i thought it would be a good idea to show my family from the oldest generation to the youngest. I really enjoyed making this video because I got to spend some time with my family and it was fun video taping them.