Both of my roommates are in a relationship or whatever they like to call it. They are always hanging out with their girlfriends and never will be just guy time. Yes I know I sound like a hater because I’m not in a relationship but if you see how pathetic my roommate’s relationship are you can’t blame. Whenever they hang out and they invite I straight tell them no because I do not want to het involve in the couple’s retreat. Most of time they would all be hanging out in my apartment and I would just get my things and leave to find something to do. I rather not get involved in their personal life because it’s not business and I’m kind of a loner. I like to be alone and do things by myself. Yes, it sounds selfish but if I don’t want to do something I’m not going regardless if all my friends are going or not. The reason why I’m not in a relationship myself is a few things. First I’m not ready financially to be in any kind of relationship. Second I love have me time and not be with something 24/7. Third of all I’m not ready emotionally to be with someone or share my feelings. Seeing my roommate’s in their relationships is teaching me what not to do in a relationship. Yes, I’m a heartless evil person that doesn’t care if I’m putting my roommates on blast. *Evil Laugh*
Milton Pareta