W16 Final Project “Air”

I have such a love/hate for this project, it was a lot of fun to push myself to drawing out everything. I really wanted to just make an animation because that is what I wanted to do with my life, and so making it was fun and probable one of the least stressful project I had for any of my classes, but only in the way that I really wanted to work on it . If I had more time i would fix all the little stutters in that animation and clean it up more. Make all the girl look exactly alike, add more to it give it voices and create a full story from it, but for the time I had for it I feel like it speaks to the thoughts in my head if only as a first rough draft. There were glitches and mess up, and I even had time where I just sat there and asked myself why I would take this project on, but I stuck with it and I am Proud of that fact.

“Air” represents the struggles I had to go through with anxiety and depression. It is not easy to move forward when you feel lost and alone, but  the world outside of that sad box you built around yourself is so beautiful and amazing. life is worth fighting for.

2 thoughts on “W16 Final Project “Air”

  1. Karl Reindel

    Very well done animation, especially by hand. I like your choice of music. The beginning is really elegant; I think it looks very cool. If you keep working on this project even more over time, you will have an outstanding portfolio addition. Maybe work on it for the spring show. You have lots of talent.

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