For my project I did a podcast pilot. What I was trying to accomplish was a video pilot of the podcast I am releasing in a few weeks. I have to say this was exhausting! Nothing wanted to go my way and after this I think I will stick to audio. I did have a lot of fun filming this pilot and learned a lot. This project really pushed me to learn editing both for sound and quality video considering half my video was too dark. On the directing side of things, I did really well with one actress and not so well with one actor. My fiancé knows absolutely nothing about sports yet I was able to make her sound believable. Where my good friend Emy went over his time limit a few too many times. I have to say the most difficult thing I had to do in this project is cut down my time. I cut down to 3 and a half and then had to cut out 30 more seconds. Thanks to the help of Karl and Annette I was able to do so and I feel it worked and flowed a lot better because of it. This was not my original plan but in all I am vey happy with what I got done and can’t wait to see what the future has in store.