Who do I think I am!? by Nate Emerson

My name is Nate Emerson, now look at how interesting I am. I have spent my entire life thus far living in Eugene, Oregon. In my spare time I am an avid gamer and anime fan. To this day my favorite game of all time is Donkey Kong Country 2 for the Super Nintendo, I’ve played it ever since I was five and it hasn’t lost an ounce of the magic it once had. Other games that I enjoy include The Legend of Zelda, The Tales Series, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, and Super Smash Brothers to name a few. My interest in Anime began in elementary school, where I would wait with bated breath for the chime of the school bell to send me home so I could watch Dragon Ball Z on Toonami. I have met most of my closest friends through Anime and have many fond memories of trying to go Super Saiyan on the playground.


While I am seeking a degree in media arts, my greatest passion is comedy. I can not describe in words the satisfaction I feel in making someone else laugh. I’ve often considered doing stand up but the idea terrifies me beyond rational belief, so for the time being I will stick to making silly youtube videos in my spare time. I especially enjoy this because it allows me to use a multitude of characters and voices that I have accumulated over a long career as class clown. I would love to get paid for it some day but for the time being I love doing it for fun.

If you consider yourself a total nerd, talk to me, I think we’ll get along. Have a great day, and remember: it’s not over until the fish jumps.Blog Profile

3 thoughts on “Who do I think I am!? by Nate Emerson

  1. Trenten

    DUDE, I am right there with you on Zelda and donkey Kong. Ocarina of time is still my all time favorite.

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