About Me



My name is Cory Peterson, I was born in Portland, Oregon. Moved and lived for a few years in Salem, Oregon then in 1995 moved to Eugene, Oregon. I have lived in Eugene for close to twenty years. I live with my parents and help them with taking care of the three dogs, five cats, and one bird. The dog name’s are Jazmin, Angel, and Zen. The cat name’s are Hades, Isis, Xanadu ( itty bit), Nix, and Medusa. The bird’s name is Samson  In my spare time I play MMORPG (multimedia online role playing games) video games mainly DC Universe Online and Rift. I also like to construct different things using legos sometimes I leave then the way they are from the box other times I build them then take them apart and build random things. I really enjoy mythology and the unknown, with the mythology I tend to focus on similarities in myths from all over the world, like Norse myth about Ragnarok and Christian’s end of the world myth, both state that it will start in a fiery way. The unknown would be things people think don’t exist like Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot, we haven’t even explored 100% of the planet so we cant really say there isn’t a real monster in the world or not, which makes learning and trying to figure out the unknown just as much exciting as finding new planets.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Rich Robison

    I do a little gaming myself. It used to be a LOT but then I started going to school and I just don’t have a lot of time for it. I love all the names your pets have. Really cool and original, most of them. Glad to have you with us.

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