Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

Start with a handshake

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Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what you want to do in your life, and that’s OK. I certainly took the scenic route to get where I am. 
I am a part-time multimedia student with a love for animals and old iron. A career in veterinary medicine was out of the question (I don’t do well with blood!) and even thought I am a third-generation mechanic, that wasn’t something I wanted to do for a living. I took a year off after high school to gain experience in the workforce. One year turned into seven…but here we are. 
My love of photography comes from not finding the perfect shot taken by someone else. Lots of people enjoy taking pictures, but to get the exact shot that I wanted, I had to get it myself. If my trusty Canon T7 could talk, it would have a few stories to tell. From railroads to airplanes, kitties to horses, you’ll find me behind the lens on my adventures.

       -Student, Photographer, Railfan, Equestrian, Gearhead
By Molly Engelman

P1-About Me – Jake Burton

Hi, I’m Jake!

I’m a second year student at LCC. Initially I was pursuing an Associates of Arts Oregon Transfer degree here, with plans of transferring to another college in the future to pursue a degree in film study, but those plans changed recently. After the wonderful experience that was Jan Halvorsen’s ‘Drawing for Media’ class, along with many failed attempts at snagging one of Lane’s Film Arts classes, it has come to my attention that pursuing a career in animation may be preferable. Cartoons and video games always have and always will hold a special place in my heart, and I think it may be my goal to put myself within the industry of one or the other. The reason I say “I think” is because I am not yet certain if animation is the route for me. I am using this class, along with another to figure that out. The other class is called ‘Digital Design Tools’, and it seems to be primarily about learning how to use digital art programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. Even if I discover that the media arts industry isn’t for me, at least that class will help me broaden my range of artistic capabilities. I’ve never been a particularly gifted artist, but I’d like to believe that expanding my skills and knowledge through various art (and media arts) classes will eventually help me find my outlet.

TL;DR, I’m at LCC to get better at art and figure out if want to pursue a career in it.

By: Jake Burton