Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P-5 Image Editing

The Best Burger Road Trip by Rocio Roberts-Goodban

Over the past few weeks, my boyfriend has been feeling pretty homesick. We both have had busy schedules full of work and school that can make it hard to spend some quality time together. My boyfriend is from California, and he always talks about his memories of going to In-N-Out with his friends and family when he was a kid. He had no idea that Oregon had any In-N-Out restaurants, let alone one that is an hour away from us. After work I surprised him by taking us on a road trip with a secret destination. He was in disbelief as we rolled into the parking lot. After we got our food and we were on our way home he said it was, “the best burger road trip ever!”

Happy Day, Happy Dog

Wow! I had so many tech issues with this project. From uploading to having to update my graphics drivers… Getting this video posted has been tricky, but here it is! I chose to create a video about taking my dog on a walk, one where she gets to be off leash, which is so much more enjoyable for her. I recorded some sound effects and added those, and chose a happy classical music track from freesound.com to accompany my video. I think the music choice uplifts the video nicely. My sounds don’t always match up perfectly with the action, however, with how many issues and updates I went through to get this video here, I’m just happy that it flows semi-well. Thanks for watching!

by: Margaret Giddens

p5: image editing!

by Ellie Grover

This project was more fun that I was expecting it to be. For the beginning of the week, I was stressing as I attempted to figure out how I was gonna find the time to make my movie and set up all of the things that I needed to do so. Finally, I realized that I just needed to incorporate something that I love to make the project much more enjoyable. So I did! The process as a whole was very fun to film, and then the editing proved to be fun as well once I got the hang of it. Instead of using Premiere, I used the app Splice on my phone to add the audio and do the cuts that were needed to create this video.

Tiki & Stella (P5)

ilming in a small space, but filming animals requires serious patience. Tiki was at first terrified of the camera. She would constantly fly away when I placed her in front of it. Stella on the other hand did not care. She just thought that I was playing with her. Eventually they both calmed down and started to act naturally. To make things as smooth as possible, I would film long takes just to make sure I captured something interesting. These two have always tolerated each other, so I figured something cute would happen. I had to cut out a lot of what was filmed.

By: Liah Craven

My video

This is a little look into my life and my companionship with my cat. This video glimpses in to a little piece of my mornings and afternoons, I was a little uncomfortable doing this assignment but I kept it short and simple. Unfortunately I did struggled with overall quality of visual footage and audio. It was all done on my phone and Ipad and it isn’t my best work but it was done with what I had available. I honestly don’t understand how the quality kept getting worse with each step that I did. My phone and ipad are great at taking photos but for some reason I guess videos miss the mark by a long shot. I’m a little disappointed but it’s out of my control.

The Frog & The Mouse

When I started with this assignment, I had no idea what I was getting into as I had never really experimented with audio editing in the past. I began by choosing fables as the assignment topic, and after looking through a few, I chose the Frog and the mouse because I could imagine sounds happening at certain points in the story. Opening Audacity, I at first was a bit overwhelmed with all of the different options and didn’t know where to start. The only way I was able to get a feel for the program was to start experimenting with it. This turned out a lot easier than I thought, with the program being actually pretty simple to navigate. From here, I started putting the elements that I imagined in the fable over the audio of me reading it. Since the story took place at a lake with a frog, I chose to put audio of frogs at a lake in the background. This is when I experimented with the fade in and fade out effect to have the lake noises fade in and out. I also chose to include the sound of the for jumping in the water and the hawk because I thought that they were important parts of the story and wanted to highlight them. In the end, I was able to get a basic understanding of how Audacity works and different effects that can completely change the effect audio can have on the listener.

By Braden Ivey

Last of the Rail Giants

By Molly Engelman

Late April 2022, Union Pacific announced the donation of locomotive 3985 to the non-profit Railroading Heritage of Midwest America. The Challenger is the smaller sibling to the “Big Boy” 4014 featured in the photo and is one of only two (4-6-6-4 Challengers) remaining in existence. 3985 is currently part of UP’s Heritage Fleet of locomotives but will be moved to Silvis, IL later this year to begin its restoration.

My inspiration for this audio clip came from the news of 3985’s new lease on life, as well as the video “Last of the Giants” featuring Union Pacific’s Big Boy locomotives. A link to that video on YouTube is available here. The opening monologue should sound a little familiar, but the audio is my own recording of the 4014 the first time I saw it under steam in Wyoming.

P4-Audio The Lion and D Mouse

I read an Aesop fable that appeared to have a very understandable moral to it’s story as it clarifies to the readers that despite how one may look or appear in size or matter. It doesn’t change the fact of how impactful and aspiring they can be. I was trying to convey the atmosphere in which this would occur in- giving it the sounds of the jungle and even giving the animal protagonists in the story voices and sound effects. Hopefully by doing so I have been able to give the readers a visonary experience upon hearing my take on the “Lion and the Mouse”, as it has been one of my favorite fables. I do hope you all are satisfied with my reading and hope it gives you a pleasurable experience, and could possibly be used for good night stories or perhaps lullabies.