Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

Hello Class! By Esteban W.

Hello, I’m Esteban, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as a musician and visual artist embarking on my second term at LCC. Music is my first love, and I’ve been fortunate to explore it through various instruments and digital tools. My primary platform for music creation is Ableton Live, where I merge technology with my creativity to craft unique sonic experiences.

As a multi-instrumentalist, I’ve delved into the intricacies of guitar, bass, piano, keyboards, and more. Each instrument has granted me a different perspective on music, allowing me to infuse diverse elements into my compositions. My trusty microphone is my constant companion, capturing the sounds that resonate with me in the world around us. These field recordings often find their way into my music, adding a layer of authenticity and emotion to my work.

Beyond music, I’m equally passionate about visual art. I see it as another form of creative expression, and it complements my musical endeavors beautifully. Through visual art, I can explore a different dimension of creativity, experimenting with colors, shapes, and textures. It’s a delightful journey that allows me to tell stories, convey emotions, and connect with people on a profound level. I cant wait to learn as many skills as I can to boost my creative process and be able to share with you all!

However, I’m currently on the mend from knee surgery I underwent last Wednesday, which has temporarily slowed me down. But I believe that even in moments of physical challenge, our creative spirits can soar. This setback has given me time to reflect, plan, and brainstorm new artistic projects that I can’t wait to share with you all.

Collaboration and learning from others are essential aspects of my artistic journey. I look forward to working with my peers, sharing ideas, and gaining fresh perspectives. Together, I am hoping we can create a thriving creative environment that nurtures innovation and artistic excellence.

[P1] About Tristan Adams

By: Tristan Adams
My name is Tristan James Adams, this is my third term at Lane CC pursuing the multimedia design course. Outside of Lane I already have a almost 5 years of experience with both 2D Illustration and 3D modeling and animation. Going through the media arts program I believe will help me ask the right questions and search for ones that will help guide me to my path in the multimedia space. Outside of those pursuits I am decently addicted to video gaming now and is my main form of entertainment, even though I usually lose the urge to spend a lot of time gaming with how low the space has been quality wise. There has been very few diamonds in the rough with a lot of entertainment these days in TV media and games, but I am glad to see a few older games gain some growth from the lack of quality of the newer releases. I hope once I dethatch from schooling I can hopefully improve the quality of what I can in Media and as always hope A.I doesn’t ruin any chances of monetary gain that can come with multimedia production.

This was from a while back but these are some versions of a generic brand laser sword design I worked on from a few years back to give an example of what I’ve done in the past: