Category Archives: Winter 2021

P4 Audio-Fall 2020

For this assignment I thought it would be fun to create a fake commercial for a ridiculous product called “Diet Water”. First, I looked up a few commercials on youtube to get a general feel for what they sound like and what type of words they used, then I wrote my script. After writing, it was time to record. I ended up having to re-record most of the lines a few times to make sure I spoke just like the people in those types of commercials. I wanted to go for a more funny and light hearted tone for my project, rather than serious. If I could go back and change anything I would speed up the “restrictions may apply, see website for details” and everything after that but I couldn’t figure out how to do it without making the dialogue sound really high pitched like Alvin and the chipmunks.

P5 Editing

I fought with Adobe for a long time, didn’t end up making what I wanted to make but I am happy with it. Wanted to play with my colored light projector since I haven’t had a chance to use it yet in any of my art projects. The video came out a lot blurrier than intended but that might just have been because of the lack of light in the room while the camera was trying to find something to focus on.

By: Hannah Freudenthaler

P5-Image Editing

It was a little strange editing a movie again after 8 years of not touching any video editing software. I had never used Premiere before so it was an interesting challenge learning how to use it. I defiantly want to try messing around more with what it has to offer. I think the hardest part was just trying to find music that I could use that I felt went with my video.

-By Jazlin Sobel

P5 Quinn

Most of my favorite movies have plots that sound completely stupid on paper, but have a nearly perfect execution that makes them profound. I figured I would take a shot at something like this when I’m young and no one cares. So I decided to make a surreal (and thankfully exaggerated) video about my experience doing VFX in blender. I started with recording most of the live action stuff first, then doing some screen capture with shadowplay. About a third of the way through I had to re-format my hard drive to avoid a major computer catastrophe. Nearly giving me a heart attack and wasting almost a full day of my time. I spent more time than I expected to on editing because I wanted to emulate the heavily edited montage like style of directors like Guy Ritchie.

Sydney’s Story – P5 Image Editing

This project itself is very familiar and easy for me, as I used to edit videos on Camtasia Studio years back for my old YouTube channel. However, this project also faced some difficulty with technological issues, so you’ll notice the effects used are not quite the same as Adobe Premiere Pro! That’s because my computer could not handle the program due to a ton of corrupted Windows Updates piled onto one another and I am struggling to fix it. I resorted to borrowing my sister’s computer to edit on Camtasia Studio. I tried to match the beat to the videos the best I could, but I was challenged with lag issues from heavy rendering, so effects were a guessing game until I published my final product. Looking past the technology chaos, I had fun touching up on video editing again.

– By: Kristin Frost

Image Editing: Jabre Reyes

It was actually not too hard to put all of this together for me. I’ve done some video editing before- honestly the hardest part was finding the music, and learning Premiere enough to do what I wanted to. I was going on a trip the weekend this project was assigned, and I thought it’d be neat to summarize the experience in a fun short video. Had lots of fun filming everything, but wish I filmed just a bit more of my little adventures on the beaches we stopped by.