Category Archives: FALL 2021


I chose Derek Blanks because I like how he was transparent about all the struggles he encountered from the beginning of his career path, and all the way through to what it took to become a successful professional photographer. I enjoyed learning about the different ways he was challenged when he was in school and had different jobs, he overcame many difficult challenges to get where he is today, and did it because he knew this was his passion.

He continues to challenge himself to improve in all areas of his career.

By: Sandra Osorio

RTN – Animator

Wayne Unten was originally a graphics design major but had a lingering sense of not knowing what he wanted to do. All he knew was that he wanted to do art, which hints at why he was a graphic design major. One day in an illustration class, he saw that they were telling “stories” through the illustrations, something so simple, yet he had never dwelled on it until then. Just like that a spark was lit and was only pushed further with the help of films, Jurassic Park being the most notable. Unten knew from then that he wanted to make something like Jurassic Park.

By Kay

P3 RTN: Rex Grignon

Rex Grignon initially was studying and planning on being a civil engineer throughout high school, but due to several different opportunities, he went to film school, then created a demo animation, and found his 'this is it' job working with computer animation and character design for PDI/Dreamwork's, and has done work with Pixar as well. He has now been the Head of Character Design for PDI/Dreamwork's for over ten years.

By: Ashley O’Connell