Category Archives: FALL 2021

About me

By George Hendrickson

My name is George Hendrickson, I’m almost 28 years old, born and raised in Idaho Falls and I moved to Eugene almost 3 years ago from Salt Lake City. I’m into the usual basic nerdy stuff like Batman, Zelda, Elder Scrolls, Elden Ring, and anime. I also do my best to have an open mind and a wide variety of music taste, but I absolutely love getting rowdy and moshing at punk and metal shows. I thought I wanted to move to Oregon to work in the Cannabis industry, but less than a year later I decided that wasn’t what I wanted, and had two more jobs after that and got depressed very quickly. I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts, and watching streamers and Youtubers, and I finally decided I should try to get educated to eventually have a job that I don’t hate and involves things I actually like doing. My hope is that I can gain skills to assist in producing podcasts, helping twitch streamers with editing their highlights. Once I get enough experience and I feel like it’s something I want to go further with, I might start my own podcast or Twitch channel and go from there.

About Brandon Kranz

Hello my name is Brandon. I am going to college to learn more about film and writing. I would like to write and direct Hollywood films. I have not filmed anything yet, but I have been writing different screen plays. I have liked storytelling ever since I was in second grade. I saw Star Wars and after the movie they played an interview with George Lucas. I was so surprised that one person could come up with such ideas and then make them into a movie. My plan is to make the next great movie franchise and have my name on the list of the great filmmakers. I like going to the gym. I like reading. Recently I have been reading Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung . And I like language learning. I’m learning Spanish and Japanese right now. I am interested in all things philosophy. I have also found a new love for animation. I have always liked animation especially because you can have stories that can’t be done in live action. But now that I have seen lots of anime I can really see what can be done with animation. I am looking forward to learning all there is to learn in this class.

By: Brandon Kranz

About Me

by: Tony Baeza

I have always been drawn to animation, since seeing the first Toy story movie in 1996,though I have seen other cartoons before, seeing the at the time modern computer animation in a full length mainstream movie was something to behold at the age of 11.It was great to see a movie with a character [Andy] like me who had a wonderful imagination. Other cartoons have greatly inspired me in my pursue as a comic artist I would love to either design cartoons, comics, books, toys or t-shirts someday in the future. In addition to my love for drawing, I write smalls skits at local theater, it is the closest I have gotten to writing something of a play, I would love to write a longer story sometime. I also suggests songs and maybe some extra scenes before me and the teacher finalize the script, I mainly pick out 60’s,70’s or 80’s songs to what I feel fits the setting and characters I create. I have dabbled with playing a guitar off and on it is always good to learn new things and expand upon my horizons, I feel like college is definitely gonna expand my knowledge, not only to possibly get a degree but the experience alone is gonna be great.

Spencer Jones About Me

Hello, my name is Spencer Jones and my pronouns are they/them. I am currently a first year student in Lane’s Media Arts program. In my free time I enjoy taking photos using 35mm film or creating short films with my friends. I have been involved with the media arts for the past five years and have a decent amount of experience working with a variety of hardware and software. Such as adobe’s creative cloud suit and various SLR and mirrorless camera systems. Currently I am shooting with a LUMIX S5 and a Minolta XD5 using mostly vintage Minolta glass that I swap between my two camera systems. When I finish my degree at lane I would like to go on and start working in the industry. My end goal is to start my own freelance business where I can create shorts or advertisements for anyone who may need them. In addition, with the skills that I have taken away from my degree i want to continue to keep writing and producing narrative short films in my spare time. Looking forward to getting to know everyone in this class and seeing all the creative work that comes from the people surrounding me.

heres a old but funny photo of me.

5 Fellas Go Shopping

P5 Image Editing

For this project I wanted to do something short and simple, but also comedic. Me and some of my friends went to the grocery store late at night to make a cooking video, and in the process, I ended up coming up with the idea to make a video documenting just the trip to the store.

I had a ton of fun with this project, and everyone who helped me make it did an amazing job. For editing I used premiere pro, but for the audio I used audition to alter a couple of clips that needed fixing. My favorite part about this project was probably the editing process, just due to the fun I had while trying to get the timing right between frames to let the music boost the videos cuts and effects. I’m pretty satisfied with the way the video turned out, but I’m also looking forward to some upcoming projects in the future, so then I can expand the run time, and also give myself more time to perfect the video I’m working on. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this project, and I’m exited to see where I end up in a few years!

Thank You – Carsen Perry