Rock’n’Roll is the answer!!

I have always been a music fan. Since I can remember, there was always music of varying genres playing, all imbedded in my pea sized brain. Musicals of the early to mid 20th century were mixed with classic rock of the 1960’s entangled with the punk and new wave of the 1980’s engrossed my early childhood. Puberty hit and I was influenced by whatever MTV showed me at the time, and my own taste was quickly developing.

Middle School Ragamuffin

The crossroads of teenage delinquency was the turning point of what I listened to. Iggy and The Stooges album Raw Power changed my whole life. The fury and awesomeness that came from the 8 tracks that was bleeding in my ear drums was pure fresh air! The fuel in my blood from the first notes of the opening track, made me realize that it was what I wanted to be apart of. I MUST BLEED MUSIC! The only problem was that I didn’t know how to play any instrument. I told my mom I wanted to be in a band early in life and, being the supportive soul she is, remarked that how could I possibly do that if I couldn’t play? I will find a way……

Tried to play the guitar but my fingers couldn’t figure out. screw it! I will figure it out. maybe I will find a couple of musician type people, dress like them and follow them around? AND IT WORK!!!!! I was now a frontman and have been doing it ever since!

That was a drunk Halloween!

I’ve been doing a radio show on the University of Oregon’s radio station, KWVA 88.1 fm, now for about year now and it’s just as good as being in a band. With this platform I can play all the music I am a fan of and connect with anyone who is listening. I play everything from Britney Spears to Skinny Puppy. Checkout my playlists, its wild! As much as I love it, it does not beat performing on a stage……

(Warning: Cuss Words)