Interview With Stafford Video Productions

I am very interested in Video production, so for my assignment I decided to look into a local business in Eugene that does Video Production. I went to Stafford Video in South Eugene and interviewed the owner Mark Stafford. He has been doing many years of video, at least 30. (he couldn’t remember the exact year/ wouldn’t tell me) I went to the office of the company and interviewed Mark, here is what he had to say.

Question 1: What was it like to create your own media business in the community?  

He thought about it for a minute and then responded very thoughtfully. he told me Starting the business was both exciting and very challenging they started with only 3,000 dollars to invest into it which he claims is next to nothing in this industry. He also had to sell stock to make it including his Motorcycle, scuba diving equipment and his very first video camera! (ouch). When they first started there really wasn’t much for Video Production around, you might see some in bigger cities but in Eugene there wasn’t really anything back in the early 80’s. As time went on with trying to get the new business going it got really rough, Mark was ready to throw in the towel but he knew if he kept going he would be very successful.

Question 2: In your Opinion, is it very difficult for someone to get a career in Video production? 

He told me yes, it is very difficult when he got started he started working for a company called Westcom, and then he got to know a producer making training videos for University of Oregon’s Track and Field. When he was working with him he wasn’t even allowed to carry the camera. One of the producers told him he should shadow a very good photographer and learn everything he needed to know, it is also important to be a good writer and here’s why he told me using this metaphor “If you have 100 monkeys that know how to run a video camera, but only 2 of them know how to write who’s more likely to get hired?” The answer is of course the 2 monkeys who not only know how to use the camera but can also write a script and everything else they need for Video production. He eventually became a co-founder of Mopan which stands for Mid Oregon Production Arts Network.

Question 3: What are some suggestions, or tips/recommendations you would give to people in the community who want to pursue Video Production as a career? 

He thinks a good way to start is to get a hold of the production team at television stations and figure out what it takes to get a job there, It takes a lot of hard work and effort it is not an easy thing to get into but it is possible. He used one of his favorite quotes as an example for me. He said in the words of Charles Dowd “Practice, practice, and practice some more” This was a phrase that Charles would tell his students and it is a quote that Mark loves. He gave the suggestion to surround yourself with talented people and learn everything you need to know and more.

Question 4: What is your fav