Beat mecca is an inspiring blog ; that gives real life success stories of music producers and how they were able to become established in the music industry. for example the link below is a blog on Swiff D. An incredible biography on the infamous producer that has produced some of todays top musicians killing the billboard tracks today. His passion for music started in high school, but It seemed that he had no intentions to pursue music. His main fucus was on basketball when he was in college, but life can change in a split second. One minute you think you have a career in basketball, but in the end you become a famous music producer.
On the site they have uploads to soundcloud, so you are able to sample some of the producers work. Like always their trying to sale them to you, but given the benefit of the doubt, all in all is a very will put to gather blog. the biographies from this blog are very motivational to a student, trying to break in an overly crowded career with producers around every corner. To here some of these stories can give hope to a student that questions is talent and skills that they my have been able to put together some of our futures greatest hits.