ohioian fields.

My name is Erin, and I grew up in Ohio.

I was shuffled around… a lot. I went from babysitter to family member to family friend and back again. This is most likely how I developed a deep interest in the human condition at such a young age, and it wouldn’t be until a few years ago that I would learn not everyone is just really good at constantly hiding their continuous existential thoughts. Not everyone lives on that line full-time, and maybe I needed to learn how to relax.

Growing up, I was able to see how every household was so different, despite having so many relating factors and crossovers. The only true correlation between all of these homes was the attachment to the media, though every taste was different. And the only consistency in my own life was the media. The movies, to be more precise. Movies with practical effects and puppets and moving dolls.

Most of my time was spent doing this or that for others, or it was spent in a state where I couldn’t move or couldn’t exist. Life either went electric fast, or not at all.

But one day, I found clay. And over time, I learned how to appreciate myself, and what came from me. And I discovered that it was okay to admit that I had aspirations.

So, now I sculpt and dabble in many other areas from tangible art to digital. And the goal is to give back and contribute to the medium that helped me make it through.

by: Erin Schooley