P4 Audio George Hendrickson: Jordan Peterson Has The Meats

With this assignment I wanted to have some fun with the garbage human being that is Jordan Peterson. Yes, this is real. This man tried to convince everyone to be a carnivore for years. I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of him preaching a positive lifestyle while doing that to his body. I had a great experience with this assignment and it’s probably my favorite one so far. I suppose I also wanted to get the point across that eating only meat, especially beef, is one of the worst long-term things you can do for your body.

I also love when these grifters who use big words to sound intelligent go mask off, and you can see how foolish and ridiculous they actually are. This man is off the rails and deserves to have his platform taken way, but gosh dang it, it’s too much fun to roleplay the worst version of Kermit the frog ever. People like this are dangerous, but if we are able to laugh at them it can take away some of their power, and we can feel a little better about it at the same time.