P3 Roadtrip Nation

“I never forgot about my passion; I never forgot to do something for me. So whatever job you do, don’t lose yourself. I didn’t.”

David Banks, Roadtrip Nation

David Banks is a award-winning filmmaker and photographer who defies the idea that a college education is the only path to feeling successful.

Growing up, David was made to think he was stupid, when really he was just struggling with dyslexia and vowel-deafness. However, he knew he was not stupid and took it upon himself to teach himself about his interests.

Although he couldn’t afford it nor did he have the grades, he moved out to California and would bus from Burbank to USC to buy used books from their bookstore. He has since built a successful career and won 2 Emmys.

He says he did so by setting reachable goals, as high expectations would lead to frustration. It is very beautiful that he derives a sense of success from feeling happy in his work, rather than money, fame and awards.

I found the way he spoke about his journey to be very relatable and inspiring to my own future.

by: Lemoni Genosar

David Bank’s Interview