P1-About Me

Hello, my name is Tonari Abiori. Other names I go by are Ton (like wonton), Mr.TonTon and Tontonium. I work at Fred Meyer, currently as a dairy clerk. My hobbies include playing video games, using Adobe’s media software, and collecting figures, plushies and pins of anything r related to Nintendo, Sega and Sanrio. I despise being seen in public, so I try to stay home as much as possible. My parents, however, keep me up with their grocery needs. I graduated from Willamette High School in 2018 and became relived because I don’t have to deal with that hell anymore for the rest of my life. During my high school years, I didn’t have any career goals to pursue because I knew I would lose all my friends. While in my senior year, I wounded up a graphic design class for a semester and I ended up making the instructor so impressed she moved me up to the advanced digital arts class the following semester. Since then, I’ve decided that if I were to pursue a career, it would be graphic design.  I’ve been at Lane Community College since 2018, aiming to get my associate degree in graphic design. I started immediately after high school surprisingly and been studying at the college for over five years now. I’ve been taking a lot of breaks because I needed money and then COVID happened. Starting in fall 2022, I managed to balance out my schedule and hopefully, after taking this beginner’s class into media arts, I can use that knowledge to expand in my graphic design.

by: Tonari Abiori