Static City

My goal with the Static City audio was to create something caught on the radio that wasn’t meant for us to be hearing—a sort of stray transmission that got snagged by someone idly fiddling with their clock radio that’s outdated by several years and has probably been chewed on by a dog. Any identifiable names have been drowned beneath static, and the subject of the announcement itself doesn’t entirely make sense. It’s understandable enough, sure, but it’s definitely not quite original to our world.

Overall, I’m decently pleased with how it all turned out. My biggest annoyance was keeping my speech audible; I’d liked to have had more interference and distortion, but figuring out how to accomplish that without making it needlessly difficult to understand ended up being too much for my very beginner-level skills at this point in time. It was enjoyable to work on Static City once I got over my voice and got better at using Audacity—don’t even ask how many times I looped things without meaning to. I’ve now got sound effect files scattered across my desktop that need to be cleaned up, so if you’ll excuse me, I should go take care of that.

By Kaitlyn Harper