Walter Murch

Film editor and sound designers

Walter Murch develops a passion and a hobby of editing film as an 11 year old which he disregards in his older age as child things until he watches one movie. That movie floods his thoughts with inspiration and he realizes that the passion that he had as a kid could be in fact a career that he could go into. This happened years later in his late 20s and he was going to college for something completely different and that’s just life. After that movie he goes into film editing and pursues this career path and he becomes a well known film director who has worked on some classic movies like the Godfather and Apocalypse now. His story and development of his career is why I chose him. It’s human and relatable, he didn’t know what he was going to do and he was going to school for something completely different, yet one movie sparked the passion he had as a kid and instead of dismissing it he holds on to it.