Introducing Margaret

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Hello! I’m Margaret and my pronouns are they/them. I am a second year Graphic Design student at LCC. I chose to complete the second year of my program of study in two years to have room in my schedule for completing a Multimedia Design certificate as well as a Web Design certificate. I’m a parent to an awesome 3 year old and I’m expecting my second child in October. I’ve been a student at LCC since Winter of 2019. I originally thought I wanted to study psychology. My mind was changed when I took a basic design course and remembered my love of art and creating. I consider myself a maker, although I haven’t been practicing as much as I’d like lately. In my free time I enjoy walks with my child and our dog, Eddy. We recently went to Fall Creek reservoir to hunt for rocks. Once I’ve graduated from LCC in June of 2023, I plan to work in an established design studio to gain hands on experience. Once I’ve learned in an established studio, my plan is to open my own design studio and be my own boss! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.

by: Margaret Giddens

One thought on “Introducing Margaret

  1. hughest

    Margaret, Sounds like your life is quite busy but that you have learned how to balance it all well. Congrats on having another little one soon. Great post and pic.

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