About Me

Photo on 2015-01-26 at 23.11 2I am not one who’s really fond of writing about myself, but here are a few things about me. My name is Phil, and I’ve lived in Eugene, Oregon for over two decades. I was born and raised in the Bronx and after High School moved to the west coast to Southern California where my two older sisters and other relatives lived. I’ve been in the Northwest longer than any other place and consider it at this point my home. I  am going on my eigth year of working at Lane Community College for a program called Specialized Support Services that supports people with alternate abilities in vocational settings here at the main campus, the downtown center, and in the community. I have been taking classes at Lane part-time and hope to receive a one-year certificate in Multimedia Design. I am drawn to more of the sound and visual aspects of the program and would love to find a job that incorporates both. My dream job would be making sound tracks for movies and someday, I even hope to make a documentary or short film. I’m a returning college student–a lot older now–so, things are a bit more challenging but the teachers here at Lane have just been fantastic, and I am very grateful to have this experience in my life. When I have free time I like playing and recording improvisational music with my friends. I am also a part-time dad and enjoy spending time with my wonderful daughter.