Final Project

With my project, my goal was to capture how life was before and during COVID-19. In a somewhat creative style of a “documentary”. Being stuck at home for months had made me reflect on my life more. It made me realize how much freedom we had to do whatever we desired. Hanging out with friends, going to concerts, doing anything really. We did not have to bat any eye before leaving our homes. This pandemic made everyone realize how quickly everything can be taken away from us. After most enjoyable things were taken away from us, we’re left with being stuck at home. Living the same day over and over.

In the beginning part of my video, pre-COVID-19, I included various clips from my life. I made sure to keep the beginning all fun and saturated because that’s how life felt. It slowly fades to black and white to showcase the drastic change the world has taken. The world feels empty even though life is still going on. The COVID-19 lock down was very gradual, which was why I had a slow fade from bright colors to darkness. Then in March was when it went downhill, so I included some COVID-19 statistics to paint the picture more clearly. I mentioned in my video that we are essentially living the same day over and over. Which is why you see many of similar clips in the end repeating, to show that as of right now we are stuck in an endless loop of living.

My experience with this project was very pleasant. I enjoyed looking for the perfect clips to include in the beginning part of my project. Not only that, I had also enjoyed going out and recording real life footage. It was nice to get out of my house and see how everyone is doing during this pandemic. I went out on a Saturday so I got the chance to see everyone at the Saturday market. It was really interesting to see so many people bunched together wearing masks and what not. I put together the whole project in premiere pro and did voiceovers in it as well. I edited the colors of the videos in premiere as well. I thought that lining up the videos with the audio turned out really nice in the end. Overall, my experience with this project was wonderful and I am very pleased with the outcome! It will also be nice to look back at this in a moments time.