P4: Pretend Podcast

Name: Pretend Podcast by Lady Diaz
About: You are listening to the last minute of a random mystery episode from a pretend podcast.
Production progress:
1. Come up with story ideas.
2. Search for audios that match what I had in mind.
3. Record my voice, multiple takes.
4. Edit the audio to match in loudness, get rid of noise, crop unwanted areas.
5. Rearrange and adjust so that the story is clear.

Struggles: I lost some voice files and had to retake everything halfway through.

What I learned: This is the first time I have created a story through sound. For any obstacles encountered such as altering voice, removing unwanted noise, I used youtube tutorials to help me and learned new editing techniques.

Non Dialogue audio- https://sound-effects.bbcrewind.co.uk/search?q=guitar
Music by The Pop Winds- https://freemusicarchive.org/music/The_Pop_Winds/
Dialogue: Lady Diaz

Images: Lady Diaz