P4 Audio: Duncan is the funniest alive

I felt like doing something extremely goofy for this assignment, so what I decided on doing was a stand-up comedy routine and have the audience be extremely overly enthusiastic about my jokes. This wasn’t absurd enough for me though, so the audience also starts cheering just a little bit too early, drowning out the punchline for each joke. I thought it was funny to imply that everyone thought the buildup to the joke was the funny part and not the punchline. When it came to the actual jokes themselves, I just asked Chat GPT for jokes. The jokes it gave me sucked, so I asked it to make them all cookie cutter jokes that start with “What do you call…”, since the beginning of the joke was really all that mattered anyways. Some of the ones it gave me didn’t make any sense but I used them anyways. I wasn’t sure how I was going to include music without it feeling too chaotic, so I decided to lean into the chaos and have everything devolve at the end with a horse getting loose and trampling the audience members. I recorded some dialogue in the background to give the audience some idle chatter too. I said some ridiculous things that are hard to make out but every now and then one of the strange things I said bleeds through if you are listening closely. My boyfriend listened to me record all the voices for this and he thought I sounded crazy. Overall I had lots of fun making this, I think it turned out really stupid but the kind of stupid that makes me laugh. I am also glad I got more experience with Adobe Audition as that’s a program I have basic experience in but want to use more.

By Duncan Gustina