by: Julia Hansten

My name is Julia, I am an international student from Sweden and I am 23 years old. I attended LCC fall term of last year so I am not completely new to Lane but this is my first time doing a full program here which is very exciting!
Back home in Sweden I work in the medical field, more precisely in the ER of the hospital in my hometown. I enjoy my job but my dream would be to work in a more creative field and ever since I was little I have been wanting to work with cinema or film productions in some way. I am interested in the process of making films and documentaries and have always been fascinated by how movies impact people’s thoughts and emotions.
In my free time I like to spend time with my wonderful family and friends, play or watch sports of different kinds, listen to music, watch movies and draw. I also love to spend time outdoors, hiking, biking or running and I dedicate a lot of my time to coaching a fantastic group of kids in track & field.
When I finish the multimedia design program I am hoping to have learned a lot about this field and the industry and hopefully gained some skills and experiences that will allow me to keep working toward this career so that I can work in this industry myself some day! I am very new to this field and not yet sure what part of it I would like to lean towards so I am hoping this program will help me discover that.
I am excited for this term and getting to know all of you!