[P1] About Tristan Adams

By: Tristan Adams
My name is Tristan James Adams, this is my third term at Lane CC pursuing the multimedia design course. Outside of Lane I already have a almost 5 years of experience with both 2D Illustration and 3D modeling and animation. Going through the media arts program I believe will help me ask the right questions and search for ones that will help guide me to my path in the multimedia space. Outside of those pursuits I am decently addicted to video gaming now and is my main form of entertainment, even though I usually lose the urge to spend a lot of time gaming with how low the space has been quality wise. There has been very few diamonds in the rough with a lot of entertainment these days in TV media and games, but I am glad to see a few older games gain some growth from the lack of quality of the newer releases. I hope once I dethatch from schooling I can hopefully improve the quality of what I can in Media and as always hope A.I doesn’t ruin any chances of monetary gain that can come with multimedia production.

This was from a while back but these are some versions of a generic brand laser sword design I worked on from a few years back to give an example of what I’ve done in the past: