P4 Audio: Accident

Back in December 2021, I got hit by a car crossing the street in Downtown Eugene. I was all dressed up walking to my new friends apartment because we had a work formal that we were going to all go together. I was one street away when I was crossing the street and a car turning didn’t see me and hit me with their car. It is crazy to me because I was so excited to go to this formal and to think I wouldn’t go because I was in an accident is insane. I am fortunate enough to have survived but it was a bummer not being able to go. I told all my coworkers that I had a family emergency and that’s why I couldn’t make it that night. It wasn’t until the day after that I had to tell them because I needed my shifts covered(haha). Anyway, I just wanted to recreate my thought process and how it happened to help process things. I still have not gotten over what happened and it still affects me to this day, but I feel like I understand now more than ever that it has in fact affected me and why.