The Two Pots, Mason Perkins

I was trying to get a good mix of levels in the audio but I didn’t have time to do much else. I’m using a virtual cable to run my audio from O.B.S to a digital audio bus called voice meter then to audition so there are effects on my voice keeping the levels nice and equalizing for my bad quality mic. I grabbed the sounds from various free sound sites but Pixbay is the best in my opinion. but the most expansive of all things online is a site called Openverse which was previously just called something like creative commons blah blah. I also did some murmur recording along with my voice, and I think it all comes together pretty well mainly considering levels. but with some more time I could do a lot better I’m just sleepy so I got the requirements done and exported. although its not like the fables are particularly interesting so I would wanna write something which would take even more time.